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  • Available in person or online, our anti-racism assemblies and workshops are thoughtfully crafted to inspire understanding, empathy, and unity.

  • Through engaging presentations, storytelling, and interactive discussions, we address the importance of embracing diversity and standing against all forms of racism.

  • Our assemblies provide a safe and inclusive space for children to have open conversations and promote inclusivity whilst understanding the consequences of bullying, bad language and exclusion.

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Lower KS2 Assembly

Through a range of engaging activities and stories, this assembly explores equality, fairness and friendship. In an age appropriate way, children will begin to explore: * What is right and what is wrong * Our rights and responsibilities as human beings. * Vocabulary around equality and inclusion. * The importance of treating everybody fairly regardless of who they are, what language they speak and what they look like. * Age appropriate examples and stories of racism, encouraging children to think about why it is wrong and how it may make a victim feel.  * Standing up against racism

  • Suitable for: Year 3 and  4

  • Duration: 45 minutes

  • Format: In person

  • Cost: £150 plus travel at £0.50ppm

  • Location: London, Herts, Kent, Surrey

Upper KS2 Assembly

Through engaging discussions, interactive activities, and thought-provoking content, this assembly gives valuable insights into racism, its impact, and the significance of fostering a culture of inclusion and respect. Suitable for: Year 5 and 6 Duration: 45 minutes Format: Online or in person Cost: £175 plus travel at £0.50ppm Through a range of interactive activities and discussions, this assembly is designed to help children develop a deeper understanding of discrimination and its consequences. Children will explore: * What racism is and what it looks like * The impact of racism on its victims * Racism and language * Racism on social media * Reporting racism: how to get help * How to be an ally and stand up for what is right.

  • Suitable for: Year 5 and  6

  • Duration: 45 minutes

  • Format: In person

  • Cost: £150 plus travel at £0.50ppm

  • Location: London, Herts, Kent, Surrey

Online Assemblies and Workshops

Our popular online sessions offer schools a more flexible and cost effective option for accessing our anti-racism assemblies and workshops.  Our popular online sessions offer schools a more flexible and cost effective option for accessing our anti-racism assemblies and workshops.  Ranging from 45 minutes hour to 90 minutes, our prices start from £120. For virtual assemblies and workshops the facilitator will deliver the same content as an in-person session with an entire year group or key stage, or individual class.    The facilitator presents all sessions live and will appear on the screen at the front of the room. With the help of the class teacher, all online sessions are interactive, engaging and empowering. All online sessions are available via Microsoft Teams or Zoom. Discount bookings for multiple classes are available.

  • Suitable for LKS2, UKS2, whole school or individual classes/forms.

  • Duration: Flexible

  • Cost: £100 per session. Bulk discounts available for multiple workshops.

  • Location: Worldwide

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Sam, Year 6

I really loved the assembly. The stories were so good and it taught me that I have to stand up against bullies, even if the bullying is not happening to me. 

Ella, Year 4

Dear ARISE, thank you for coming in to talk to us today. I learnt so much and loved hearing your stories. Please come back!

Mya, Year 3

Today I learnt that calling people names or laughing at them is wrong. You're allowed to be friends with whoever you want and your skin colour shouldn't come into it.


Sound good?

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